Class symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.ColumnAttributes
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Class symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.ColumnAttributes


public class ColumnAttributes
extends Object
implements Serializable, Cloneable
A ColumnAttributes holds all the TableColumn attributes including the cell editor component.In addition it holds other properties such as editable, background color and foreground color for each column.

To change the display attributes,cell editors etc for each column of a JTable use setColumnAttributes method of symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.TableBindingModel. Each ColumnAttributes object in the array can be customised. Alternately use setColumnAttributes of symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.DBColumnModel and plug it into JTable. In this case editable property will be neglected.

It is possible to specify any of the following components as cell editors

  • JTextField
  • JComboBox
  • JCheckBox
  • JMaskedTextField
  • JCurrencyTextField A cell renderer is created based on the cell editor component. Specific properties of specific cell editors and cell renderers are also stored as attributes. For example, ATMMode, Currency symbol, decimal and thousand's separator, etc in case of JCurrencyTextField.

    Warning: serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between Swing1.0 applications. It will not be possible to load serialized Swing1.0 objects with future releases of Swing. The JDK1.2 release of Swing will be the compatibility baseline for the serialized form of Swing objects.

    1.0 09/10/98
    Vasudev Rao
    See Also:
    TableColumnModel, DefaultTableColumnModel, TableBindingModel, DBColumnModel, JMaskedTextField, JCurrencyTextField

    Variable Index

     o ATMMode
    JCurrencyTextField's ATMMode
     o background
    Background color for the table column.
     o cellEditor
     o cellEditorComponent
     o cellRenderer
     o cellRendererComponent
     o clickCountToStart
    Click count to initiate editing of a table cell
     o currencyLeading
    JCurrencyTextField's currency symbol position
     o currencySymbol
    JCurrencyTextField's currencySymbol
     o decimalPoint
    JCurrencyTextField's decimalPoint
     o digitsAfterDecimal
    JCurrencyTextField's digitsAfterDecimal
     o editable
    Determines whether a column is editable.
     o editableCombo
    Determines whether combobox editor is editable.
     o editorDataBound
    Determines whether combobox editor is databound.
     o enforceDataCompleteness
    Defined for future use.
     o falseValue
    Used by checkbox editor and renderers which are internally created Used to provide a means for using CheckBox when the cell value is not truly boolean.
     o foreground
    Foreground color for the table column.
     o headerRenderer
     o headerRendererComponent
     o headerValue
    Header value which is used as header text
     o identifier
    Identifier for each table column
     o isResizable
    isResizable property of a table column
     o label
    Label for the checkbox editor and renderer.
     o lookup
    The string used to make combobox editor databound.
     o mask
    String that represents an input mask for JMaskedTextField.
     o maxWidth
    maxWidth property of a table column
     o minWidth
    minWidth property of a table column
     o modelIndex
    modelIndex property of a table column.
     o separator
    JCurrencyTextField's separator
     o separatorEnabled
    JCurrencyTextField's separator enabled property
     o shouldSelectCell
     o sizeWidthToFit
    Determines whether or not the column should be resized to fit its header.
     o staticList
    String array used to create combobox editor's drop down list.
     o trueValue
    Used by checkbox editor and renderers which are internally created Used to provide a means for using CheckBox when the cell value is not truly boolean.
     o width
    width property of a table column.

    Constructor Index

     o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.ColumnAttributes()
    Default constructor
     o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.ColumnAttributes(TableCellEditor, TableCellRenderer, TableCellRenderer, Object, Object, boolean, int, int, int, int)
    Constructor that takes in all the TableColumn attributes as parameters.
     o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.ColumnAttributes(Object, Object, boolean, int, int, int, Color, Color, boolean, JTextField)
    Constructor used for generating code when JTextField is chosen as cell editor component type
     o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.ColumnAttributes(Object, Object, boolean, int, int, int, Color, Color, boolean, JComboBox, boolean, String[])
    Constructor used for generating code when JComboBox is chosen as cell editor component type with a list of strings as items in the drop-down
     o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.ColumnAttributes(Object, Object, boolean, int, int, int, Color, Color, boolean, JComboBox, boolean, boolean, String)
    Constructor used for generating code when a database aware JComboBox is chosen as cell editor component type
     o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.ColumnAttributes(Object, Object, boolean, int, int, int, Color, Color, boolean, JCheckBox, String, String, String)
    Constructor used for generating code when JCheckBox is chosen as cell editor component
     o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.ColumnAttributes(Object, Object, boolean, int, int, int, Color, Color, boolean, JMaskedTextField, String, boolean)
    Constructor used for generating code when JMaskedTextField is chosen as cell editor component
     o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.ColumnAttributes(Object, Object, boolean, int, int, int, Color, Color, boolean, JCurrencyTextField, boolean, String, char, int, char, boolean, boolean)
    Constructor used for generating code when JCurrencyTextField is chosen as cell editor component

    Method Index

     o clone()
     o createCheckBoxEditor(JCheckBox)
     o createComboBoxEditor(JComboBox)
     o createCurrencyEditor(JCurrencyTextField)
     o createMaskedEditor(JMaskedTextField)
     o createTextEditor(JTextField)
     o getBackground()
    Returns the background color for this column.
     o getCellEditor()
    Returns the TableCellEditor.
     o getCellEditorComponent()
    Returns the cell editor component.
     o getCellRenderer()
    Returns the TableCellRenderer.
     o getClickCountToStart()
    Returns the number of clicks needed to initiate editing.
     o getColorFromString(String)
     o getCurrencySymbol()
     o getDecimalPoint()
    Returns the decimal separator for JCurrencyTextField.
     o getDigitsAfterDecimal()
    Returns the number of digits after decimal for JCurrencyTextField.
     o getEnforceDataCompleteness()
     o getFalseValue()
    Returns the false string for checkbox editor.
     o getForeground()
    Returns the foreground color for this column.
     o getHeaderRenderer()
    Returns the header renderer.
     o getHeaderValue()
    Returns the Object used as the value for the headerRenderer.
     o getIdentifier()
    Returns the value of identifier.
     o getLabel()
    Gets the label for checkbox editor.
     o getLookup()
    Returns the string used to make combobox databound.
     o getMask()
    Returns the input mask for JMaskedTextField.
     o getMaxWidth()
    Returns the TableColumn's maximum width.
     o getMinWidth()
    Returns the TableColumn's minimum width.
     o getSeparator()
    Returns the thousands separator for JCurrencyTextField.
     o getStaticList()
    Returns the list of strings in the drop down list of combobox.
     o getTrueValue()
    Returns the true string for checkbox editor.
     o getWidth()
    Returns the TableColumn's width.
     o isATMMode()
    Returns the ATMMode for JCurrencyTextField.
     o isCurrencyLeading()
    Returns the currency symbol position for JCurrencyTextField.
     o isEditable()
    Returns whether the user can change values in this column.
     o isEditableCombo()
    Returns whether the combobox is in itself editable or just a drop down list.
     o isEditorDataBound()
    Returns whther combobox editor is databound
     o isResizable()
    Returns whether the user can resize the receiver in its JTableView.
     o isSeparatorEnabled()
    Returns whether or not currency editor separator is enabled.
     o isSizeWidthToFit()
    Returns whether TableColumn's width is adjusted to fit the header text.
     o setATMMode(boolean)
    Sets the ATMMode for JCurrencyTextField.
     o setBackground(Color)
    Sets the background color for this column.
     o setCellEditor(TableCellEditor)
    Sets the TableCellEditor used by JTable to draw individual values for this column to tce.
     o setCellEditorComponent(JComponent)
    Sets the cell editor component and creates an appropriate cell editor and cell renderer.
     o setCellRenderer(TableCellRenderer)
    Sets the TableCellRenderer used by JTable to draw individual values for this column to tcr.
     o setClickCountToStart(int)
    Sets the number of clicks to initiate editing.
     o setCurrencyLeading(boolean)
    Sets the currency symbol position for JCurrencyTextField.
     o setCurrencySymbol(String)
    Sets the currency symbol for JCurrencyTextField.
     o setDecimalPoint(char)
    Sets the decimal separator for JCurrencyTextField.
     o setDigitsAfterDecimal(int)
    Sets the number of digits after decimal for JCurrencyTextField.
     o setEditable(boolean)
    Sets whether the user can change values in this column.
     o setEditableCombo(boolean)
    Sets whether the combobox is in itself editable or just a drop down list.
     o setEditorDataBound(boolean)
    Sets whether the combobox editor is databound or not.
     o setEnforceDataCompleteness(boolean)
     o setFalseValue(String)
    Sets the false string for checkbox editor.
     o setForeground(Color)
    Sets the foreground color for this column.
     o setHeaderRenderer(TableCellRenderer)
    Sets the renderer used by JTable to draw header values for this column to thr.
     o setHeaderValue(Object)
    Sets the Object used as the value for the headerRenderer
     o setIdentifier(Object)
    Sets the Object used as the value for identifier.
     o setLabel(String)
    Sets the label for checkbox editor.
     o setLookup(String)
    Sets the string used to make combobox databound.
     o setMask(String)
    Sets the input mask for JMaskedTextField.
     o setMaxWidth(int)
    Sets the TableColumn's maximum width to maxWidth, also adjusting the current width if it's greater than this value.
     o setMinWidth(int)
    Sets the TableColumn's minimum width to minWidth.
     o setResizable(boolean)
    Sets whether the user can resize the receiver in its JTableView.
     o setSeparator(char)
    Sets the thousands separator for JCurrencyTextField.
     o setSeparatorEnabled(boolean)
    Sets whether or not currency editor separator is enabled.
     o setSizeWidthToFit(boolean)
    Sets whether TableColumn's width should be adjusted to fit the header text.
     o setStaticList(String[])
    Sets the list of strings in the drop down list of combobox.
     o setTrueValue(String)
    Sets the true string for checkbox editor.
     o setWidth(int)
    Sets the TableColumn's width.
     o toString()
    Overrides Object's toString().


     o ATMMode
    protected boolean ATMMode
    JCurrencyTextField's ATMMode

     o background
    protected java.awt.Color background
    Background color for the table column. Automatic code generation for this property is limited to named colors.

     o cellEditor
    protected transient cellEditor
    cellEditor. Automatically created based on the component type

     o cellEditorComponent
    protected transient cellEditorComponent
    cellEditorComponent. Can be one of
  • JTextField
  • JComboBox
  • JCheckBox
  • JMaskedTextField
  • JCurrencyTextField

  •  o cellRenderer
    protected transient cellRenderer
    cellRenderer. Automatically created based on the component type

     o cellRendererComponent
    protected transient cellRendererComponent
    cellRendererComponent. Defined for future use.

     o clickCountToStart
    protected int clickCountToStart
    Click count to initiate editing of a table cell

     o currencyLeading
    protected boolean currencyLeading
    JCurrencyTextField's currency symbol position

     o currencySymbol
    protected java.lang.String currencySymbol
    JCurrencyTextField's currencySymbol

     o decimalPoint
    protected char decimalPoint
    JCurrencyTextField's decimalPoint

     o digitsAfterDecimal
    protected int digitsAfterDecimal
    JCurrencyTextField's digitsAfterDecimal

     o editable
    protected boolean editable
    Determines whether a column is editable. This property is used iff TableBindingModel's setColumnAttributes is used. Otherwise it is neglected.

     o editableCombo
    protected boolean editableCombo
    Determines whether combobox editor is editable. Note that this is different from column's editable property.

     o editorDataBound
    protected boolean editorDataBound
    Determines whether combobox editor is databound. This property is neglected for all other editors.

     o enforceDataCompleteness
    protected boolean enforceDataCompleteness
    Defined for future use. Would determine whether or not isDataComplete() of JMaskedTextField needs to be tested before stopping cell editing.

     o falseValue
    protected java.lang.String falseValue
    Used by checkbox editor and renderers which are internally created Used to provide a means for using CheckBox when the cell value is not truly boolean. For example "Y" may be used for true and "N" for false.

     o foreground
    protected java.awt.Color foreground
    Foreground color for the table column. Automatic code generation for this property is limited to named colors.

     o headerRenderer
    protected transient headerRenderer
    headerRenderer. Defined for future use.

     o headerRendererComponent
    protected transient headerRendererComponent
    headerRendererComponent. Defined for future use.

     o headerValue
    protected java.lang.Object headerValue
    Header value which is used as header text

     o identifier
    protected java.lang.Object identifier
    Identifier for each table column

     o isResizable
    protected boolean isResizable
    isResizable property of a table column

     o label
    protected java.lang.String label
    Label for the checkbox editor and renderer. The checkbox will be centralized in a cell if label is empty

     o lookup
    protected java.lang.String lookup
    The string used to make combobox editor databound. A datamodel which uses Symantec's JDBC API is created internally created using this string. Use staticList instead of this during design time ( for example, in custom property editors for a bean).It is neglected for editors other than combobox.

     o mask
    protected java.lang.String mask
    String that represents an input mask for JMaskedTextField. It neglected for all other cell editor components.

     o maxWidth
    protected int maxWidth
    maxWidth property of a table column

     o minWidth
    protected int minWidth
    minWidth property of a table column

     o modelIndex
    protected int modelIndex
    modelIndex property of a table column. A one-up number is used for each column in DBColumnModel. Defined here for future use.

     o separator
    protected char separator
    JCurrencyTextField's separator

     o separatorEnabled
    protected boolean separatorEnabled
    JCurrencyTextField's separator enabled property

     o shouldSelectCell
    protected boolean shouldSelectCell
     o sizeWidthToFit
    protected boolean sizeWidthToFit
    Determines whether or not the column should be resized to fit its header. Defined here for future use.

     o staticList
    protected java.lang.String[] staticList
    String array used to create combobox editor's drop down list. It is neglected for editors other than combobox.

     o trueValue
    protected java.lang.String trueValue
    Used by checkbox editor and renderers which are internally created Used to provide a means for using CheckBox when the cell value is not truly boolean. For example "Y" may be used for true and "N" for false.

     o width
    protected int width
    width property of a table column.


     o ColumnAttributes
    public ColumnAttributes()
    Default constructor

     o ColumnAttributes
    public ColumnAttributes(TableCellEditor cellEditor,
                            TableCellRenderer cellRenderer,
                            TableCellRenderer headerRenderer,
                            Object headerValue,
                            Object identifier,
                            boolean isResizable,
                            int maxWidth,
                            int minWidth,
                            int modelIndex,
                            int width)
    Constructor that takes in all the TableColumn attributes as parameters. If any of cellEditor, cellRenderer,headerRenderer,headerValue or identifier is null, defaults are used.

     o ColumnAttributes
    public ColumnAttributes(Object identifier,
                            Object headerValue,
                            boolean isResizable,
                            int width,
                            int minWidth,
                            int maxWidth,
                            Color bg,
                            Color fg,
                            boolean editable,
                            JTextField tf)
    Constructor used for generating code when JTextField is chosen as cell editor component type

     o ColumnAttributes
    public ColumnAttributes(Object identifier,
                            Object headerValue,
                            boolean isResizable,
                            int width,
                            int minWidth,
                            int maxWidth,
                            Color bg,
                            Color fg,
                            boolean editable,
                            JComboBox cb,
                            boolean editableCombo,
                            String[] items)
    Constructor used for generating code when JComboBox is chosen as cell editor component type with a list of strings as items in the drop-down

     o ColumnAttributes
    public ColumnAttributes(Object identifier,
                            Object headerValue,
                            boolean isResizable,
                            int width,
                            int minWidth,
                            int maxWidth,
                            Color bg,
                            Color fg,
                            boolean editable,
                            JComboBox cb,
                            boolean editableCombo,
                            boolean editorDataBound,
                            String lookup)
    Constructor used for generating code when a database aware JComboBox is chosen as cell editor component type

     o ColumnAttributes
    public ColumnAttributes(Object identifier,
                            Object headerValue,
                            boolean isResizable,
                            int width,
                            int minWidth,
                            int maxWidth,
                            Color bg,
                            Color fg,
                            boolean editable,
                            JCheckBox ch,
                            String trueValue,
                            String falseValue,
                            String label)
    Constructor used for generating code when JCheckBox is chosen as cell editor component

     o ColumnAttributes
    public ColumnAttributes(Object identifier,
                            Object headerValue,
                            boolean isResizable,
                            int width,
                            int minWidth,
                            int maxWidth,
                            Color bg,
                            Color fg,
                            boolean editable,
                            JMaskedTextField mtf,
                            String mask,
                            boolean enforceCompleteness)
    Constructor used for generating code when JMaskedTextField is chosen as cell editor component

     o ColumnAttributes
    public ColumnAttributes(Object identifier,
                            Object headerValue,
                            boolean isResizable,
                            int width,
                            int minWidth,
                            int maxWidth,
                            Color bg,
                            Color fg,
                            boolean editable,
                            JCurrencyTextField ctf,
                            boolean ATMMode,
                            String currencySymbol,
                            char decimalPoint,
                            int digitsAfterDecimal,
                            char separator,
                            boolean currencyLeading,
                            boolean separatorEnabled)
    Constructor used for generating code when JCurrencyTextField is chosen as cell editor component


     o clone
    public synchronized java.lang.Object clone()
    clone in class Object
     o createCheckBoxEditor
    protected void createCheckBoxEditor(JCheckBox ch)
     o createComboBoxEditor
    protected void createComboBoxEditor(JComboBox cb)
     o createCurrencyEditor
    protected void createCurrencyEditor(JCurrencyTextField t)
     o createMaskedEditor
    protected void createMaskedEditor(JMaskedTextField t)
     o createTextEditor
    protected void createTextEditor(JTextField t)
     o getBackground
    public java.awt.Color getBackground()
    Returns the background color for this column.

     o getCellEditor
    public getCellEditor()
    Returns the TableCellEditor.

     o getCellEditorComponent
    public getCellEditorComponent()
    Returns the cell editor component.

     o getCellRenderer
    public getCellRenderer()
    Returns the TableCellRenderer.

     o getClickCountToStart
    public int getClickCountToStart()
    Returns the number of clicks needed to initiate editing.

     o getColorFromString
    protected java.awt.Color getColorFromString(String nm)
     o getCurrencySymbol
    public java.lang.String getCurrencySymbol()
     o getDecimalPoint
    public char getDecimalPoint()
    Returns the decimal separator for JCurrencyTextField.

     o getDigitsAfterDecimal
    public int getDigitsAfterDecimal()
    Returns the number of digits after decimal for JCurrencyTextField.

     o getEnforceDataCompleteness
    public boolean getEnforceDataCompleteness()
     o getFalseValue
    public java.lang.String getFalseValue()
    Returns the false string for checkbox editor.

     o getForeground
    public java.awt.Color getForeground()
    Returns the foreground color for this column.

     o getHeaderRenderer
    public getHeaderRenderer()
    Returns the header renderer.

     o getHeaderValue
    public java.lang.Object getHeaderValue()
    Returns the Object used as the value for the headerRenderer.

     o getIdentifier
    public java.lang.Object getIdentifier()
    Returns the value of identifier.

     o getLabel
    public java.lang.String getLabel()
    Gets the label for checkbox editor.

     o getLookup
    public java.lang.String getLookup()
    Returns the string used to make combobox databound.

     o getMask
    public java.lang.String getMask()
    Returns the input mask for JMaskedTextField.

     o getMaxWidth
    public int getMaxWidth()
    Returns the TableColumn's maximum width.

     o getMinWidth
    public int getMinWidth()
    Returns the TableColumn's minimum width.

     o getSeparator
    public char getSeparator()
    Returns the thousands separator for JCurrencyTextField.

     o getStaticList
    public java.lang.String[] getStaticList()
    Returns the list of strings in the drop down list of combobox.

     o getTrueValue
    public java.lang.String getTrueValue()
    Returns the true string for checkbox editor.

     o getWidth
    public int getWidth()
    Returns the TableColumn's width.

     o isATMMode
    public boolean isATMMode()
    Returns the ATMMode for JCurrencyTextField.

     o isCurrencyLeading
    public boolean isCurrencyLeading()
    Returns the currency symbol position for JCurrencyTextField.

     o isEditable
    public boolean isEditable()
    Returns whether the user can change values in this column.

     o isEditableCombo
    public boolean isEditableCombo()
    Returns whether the combobox is in itself editable or just a drop down list.

     o isEditorDataBound
    public boolean isEditorDataBound()
    Returns whther combobox editor is databound

     o isResizable
    public boolean isResizable()
    Returns whether the user can resize the receiver in its JTableView.

     o isSeparatorEnabled
    public boolean isSeparatorEnabled()
    Returns whether or not currency editor separator is enabled.

     o isSizeWidthToFit
    public boolean isSizeWidthToFit()
    Returns whether TableColumn's width is adjusted to fit the header text.

     o setATMMode
    public void setATMMode(boolean b)
    Sets the ATMMode for JCurrencyTextField.

    See Also:
     o setBackground
    public void setBackground(Color c)
    Sets the background color for this column.

     o setCellEditor
    public void setCellEditor(TableCellEditor tce)
    Sets the TableCellEditor used by JTable to draw individual values for this column to tce.

     o setCellEditorComponent
    public void setCellEditorComponent(JComponent t)
    Sets the cell editor component and creates an appropriate cell editor and cell renderer.

     o setCellRenderer
    public void setCellRenderer(TableCellRenderer tcr)
    Sets the TableCellRenderer used by JTable to draw individual values for this column to tcr.

     o setClickCountToStart
    public void setClickCountToStart(int count)
    Sets the number of clicks to initiate editing.

     o setCurrencyLeading
    public void setCurrencyLeading(boolean b)
    Sets the currency symbol position for JCurrencyTextField.

    See Also:
     o setCurrencySymbol
    public void setCurrencySymbol(String symbol)
    Sets the currency symbol for JCurrencyTextField.

    See Also:
     o setDecimalPoint
    public void setDecimalPoint(char d)
    Sets the decimal separator for JCurrencyTextField.

    See Also:
     o setDigitsAfterDecimal
    public void setDigitsAfterDecimal(int i)
    Sets the number of digits after decimal for JCurrencyTextField.

    See Also:
     o setEditable
    public void setEditable(boolean b)
    Sets whether the user can change values in this column. This property is used iff TableBindingModel's setColumnAttributes is used. Otherwise it is neglected.

     o setEditableCombo
    public void setEditableCombo(boolean b)
    Sets whether the combobox is in itself editable or just a drop down list.

     o setEditorDataBound
    public void setEditorDataBound(boolean b)
    Sets whether the combobox editor is databound or not.

     o setEnforceDataCompleteness
    public void setEnforceDataCompleteness(boolean b)
     o setFalseValue
    public void setFalseValue(String f)
    Sets the false string for checkbox editor.

     o setForeground
    public void setForeground(Color c)
    Sets the foreground color for this column.

     o setHeaderRenderer
    public void setHeaderRenderer(TableCellRenderer thr)
    Sets the renderer used by JTable to draw header values for this column to thr.

     o setHeaderValue
    public void setHeaderValue(Object headerValue)
    Sets the Object used as the value for the headerRenderer

     o setIdentifier
    public void setIdentifier(Object identifier)
    Sets the Object used as the value for identifier.

     o setLabel
    public void setLabel(String l)
    Sets the label for checkbox editor.

     o setLookup
    public void setLookup(String s)
    Sets the string used to make combobox databound. It should be of the form "QNAlias@col1,col2,col3" where QNAlias is the alias name of the datasource which could be a QueryNavigator.

    See Also:
    setLookupBinding(), QueryNavigator
     o setMask
    public void setMask(String s)
    Sets the input mask for JMaskedTextField.

    See Also:
     o setMaxWidth
    public void setMaxWidth(int maxWidth)
    Sets the TableColumn's maximum width to maxWidth, also adjusting the current width if it's greater than this value.

     o setMinWidth
    public void setMinWidth(int minWidth)
    Sets the TableColumn's minimum width to minWidth.

     o setResizable
    public void setResizable(boolean resizable)
    Sets whether the user can resize the receiver in its JTableView.

     o setSeparator
    public void setSeparator(char s)
    Sets the thousands separator for JCurrencyTextField.

    See Also:
     o setSeparatorEnabled
    public void setSeparatorEnabled(boolean b)
    Sets whether or not currency editor separator is enabled.

    See Also:
     o setSizeWidthToFit
    public void setSizeWidthToFit(boolean b)
    Sets whether TableColumn's width should be adjusted to fit the header text.

     o setStaticList
    public void setStaticList(String[] s)
    Sets the list of strings in the drop down list of combobox.

     o setTrueValue
    public void setTrueValue(String t)
    Sets the true string for checkbox editor.

     o setWidth
    public void setWidth(int width)
    Sets the TableColumn's width.

     o toString
    public java.lang.String toString()
    Overrides Object's toString().

    toString in class Object

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